Chicken Malay Rice

2 chicken breasts, cut in strips, season & fry on high heat with some honey (1 - 2 teaspoons drizzled over) until brown - set aside.

In same pan fry two large chopped onions, cover while frying for some steam.

Add a chopped red pepper and 3 or 4 cloves of crushed garlic - fry for, at least, 5 minutes

Add 200g of sliced button mushrooms & continue to fry

Add 12 teaspoon of mild chilli powder and 1 tablespioon of curry powder

Mix well

Then add 250g of COLD cooked long grain or basmati rice and 150g of cooked peas (MUST be cold when added otherwise won’t fry up well)

Mix together and continue to cook

Add 4 tablespoons of Soy Sauce, mixx well & fry on a high heat until crispy.

Add the chicken and heat thoroughly.

Serve with a fried egg on top for each person.